Google chrome - Localized formatting of a number with thousand separators in JavaScript WITH DECIMAL places

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In JavaScript, I have an arbitrary number as input.
For example:

var number = parseFloat(12345678901234.1234567);

Now I want to display it as:

12 345 678 901 234.12

it should be

xxx xxx xxx.00 

if it is an integer, and

xxx xxx xxx.y0 

if only one digit after the decimal point

I would have assumed that this would do the trick:

var number = parseFloat(12345678901234.1234567);

console.log(number.toLocaleString( de-CH , { minimumFractionDigits:2, maximumFractionDigits: 2


But it actually displayed 12 345 678 901 234.10 instead of 12 345 678 901 234.12

So I thought maybe I need to set minimumSignificantDigits to 2, too.
But bad luck, I discovered minimumSignificantDigits apparently considers all the digits in the string, for whatever idiotic reason, so I need to add the number of digits of the integer part to 2. Like:

var number = parseFloat(12345678901234.1234567);

console.log(number.toLocaleString( de-CH , { minimumFractionDigits:2, maximumFractionDigits: 2

,minimumSignificantDigits: parseInt(number).toString().length + 2

But this still displays

12 345 678 901 234.10

Converting the float to the Number type doesn t help either, the output is still the same.

var number = Number(parseFloat(12345678901234.1234567));

console.log(number.toLocaleString( de-CH , { minimumFractionDigits:2, maximumFractionDigits: 2

,minimumSignificantDigits: parseInt(number).toString().length + 2

I also tried this

var number = parseFloat(12345678901234.1234567);
number.toLocaleString( de-CH , {style:  currency , currency:  CHF , currencyDisplay:  code }).replace( CHF ,   )

but it does not seem to work either.
Adding style: "decimal" doesn t help, either...
Additionally, I don t want to have to know the currency name for each locale.

What am I doing wrong ?
Is there really no other way than writing my own formatting code (where I have the problem that I don t know the thousand separator char for each locale) ? Or is this a JavaScript bug for certain ?



License : cc by-sa 3.0


Outils personnels
Espaces de noms
