Haskell - Fast priority queue with incremental updates

De openkb
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I am trying to write a load-balancer in Haskell with leastconn strategy (partly for fun..). I need a priority queue where only the following operations are required to be fast :

    • read minimum key
    • +1 on minimum key
    • -1 on any key

If I had an imperative language with pointers, I would probably come with:

Priority 0 -> Item <-> Item <-> Item <-> Item
Priority 1 -> Item <-> Item
Priority 4 -> Item <-> Item <-> Item

Priorities are connected using a doubly linked list, the items for every priority too. Each Item contains a link to the head Priority. This structure would have complexity:

    • O(1) for read minimum key - Take first from queue under head
    • O(1) for +1 - remove first item under first priority, insert it on lower level (possibly creating a new level)
    • O(1) for -1 - provided we have a pointer to the item, we can immediately access the Priority, remove the item from doubly linked list and insert it into a different one

Is there some (functional?) data structure that would behave approximately the same? The number of items would be approximately at most a couple of hundreds.


http://hackage.haskell.org/package/psqueues http://hackage.haskell.org/package/psqueues

This is perhaps not tuned exactly for your workflow, but it certainly isn t shabby!


License : cc by-sa 3.0



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