How can I make an autorun to make a program open a file automatically

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I have a media player that plays a certain file and I need to have both in an exe archive so that when I click the exe, it start playing the file using that player automatically. it s like the file is already embedded in that player.

Is it possible ?


AMS has an mp3player template that does the job and finally exports everything in an autorun exe neat and clean.

Off-Road: "I got no idea who was that stupid guy that gave my question a minus vote. to that stupid guy: this question has never been asked anywhere else and it s totally clear and useful for those who d need it. Though I m a new user, I ve been usin Stackoverflow tips for a long time. the reason why I registered was because I couldn t find the answer anywhere else. If you don t wanna help no need to roam around like a gadfly :| no offense to the editor though!"


License : cc by-sa 3.0


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